Самая последния версия отличной проги - уничтожителя прог-шпионов. "Фичи" (переводить влом - догадаетесь сами): - Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera Browser - Scan of your system memory - Scan of your registry - Scan of your storage - System directory storage scan - Tracking cookies scan - Host file scan - VX2 complaint hijackers scan - Automatic LSP stack repair - Real-time memory and prevention shields that blocks spyware before it executes - Browser shields, including homepage shield - Tracking cookies shields - Life-time Automatic database updates - News updates - Individual spy restore functionality - Keeplist - Scheduling support - Simple configuration - Intuitive and clear user interface for spyware removal - Handy Shell Extension Scanning - Skin support - Language support - Life-time Technical support Скачать русскую версию Кейген, пасс на архив: www.2baksa.net